Ankur Bhatia | CEO | Chogori India Retail Limited

2022-05-14 19:37:00 By : Mr. Kelvin Lee

How big is the global outerwear and sportswear retail market? What is India’s share?

Globally, which segment in the outerwear and the sportswear category is sold the most? What is the major reason behind that?

What are your major sourcing destinations for outerwear, sportswear, and footwear?

Your company retails its products under 4 brands—Columbia, SOREL, Mountain Hardwear, and prAna. What is the USP of each of these?

Columbia is known for designing innovative products including the first Bugaboo parka for alpine skiers. How big is the design team and what are they currently working on?

What initiatives has your organisation taken to protect the planet and the environment?

How do you ensure that your supply chain is making sustainable products?

In which year did Columbia Sportswear make its entry into the Indian market? What is the growth story?

How would you rate India as a potential market to build on?

What is your India expansion plans?

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